Wednesday, December 23, 2009

>>>Truth Once Found >>>


It is the intellect that divides and that synthesizes. Some creatures in the world only synthesize and some creatures only divide. But the human being has both abilities, he divides and synthesizes. Ants only synthesize, they bring Things Together And Build An Ant Hill. But Monkeys Cannot Synthesize, They Can Only Divide Everything. You Give Them a garland for example, and they tear it to pieces and throw it all over the place. A monkey can only divide, or analyze. But a beaver synthesizes, it brings all the wood together and builds a dam. Birds also synthesize such as the Weaver birds.

A human being both analyzes and synthesizes. So you analyze from the relative world and synthesize to find the one. The intellect divides to find the truth. Truth once found synthesizes everything.

When the intellect becomes quiet, it brings out the intelligence. Often people think that gathering information makes one intelligent. This is not so. It is the "samadhi" which brings out the intelligence.

An unintelligent man, in spite of having all the information, cannot be creative. An intelligent man without much information can be creative.

A sign of intelligence is to see the one in many and find the many in one.

There is an old Sanskrit proverb: The first sign of intelligence is not to start anything. The second sign of intelligence is if you have started something, you have to continue it to the end.

If you have annoyed somebody, don't stop it in the middle, take him to the edge. (Laughter)

With Love,
Ganesh Baba

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