Once sage Narada thought that he was the greatest devotee of Lord Vishnu. The Lord reading the heart of Narada directed him to one of His great devotee's and get acquainted with him. Narada on following the Lord's directions found an agriculturist who woke up early in the morning, pronounced the name of Hari once and who set off to work in his farm.
At dusk after his daily chores were completed and when retiring to bed, again pronounced the Lord's name and drifted into a soud sleep. It was only quite natural for Sage Narada who was habitual of pronouncing the Lord's name every now and then, to get puzzled with rustic's devotion when he only uttered the Lord's name twice a day. Moreover to him the rustic squabbled in the day to day activities of worldly life. However he approached the Lord and reported what he felt of the rustic.
The Lord instructed Narada to take a cup of oil and go round the city, taking care that he did not spill even a single drop of oil. Narada did as he was told and returned back to the Lord. The Lord then enquired Narada as to how many times he recited His name in the course of his mission. Narada replied that he had not even uttered once and was quick to justify that he was concentrating on the oil from spilling. The Lord replied that a cup of oil was enough to divert his attention and to make him forget Him all together. The rustic on the other hand though laden with the heavy burden of a family, remembered the Lord twice a day!