The term 'Purva' would mean 'East', which would mean the front of the entire body from head to toes. 'Uttaana' would mean stretch. This asana stretches the front portion of the whole body.
Buzz up!
1.Sit on the floor with the legs outstretched straightly in the front.
2.Have the palms placed on the floor pointing forward in the direction of the hips.
3.Bend the knees and have the soles and the heels on the ground.
4.Taking the pressure of the body on the hands and feet, exhale and lift the body from the ground.
5.Straighten the arms and legs and have the elbows and knees tight.
6.The arms will now be perpendicular to the floor from the wrist to the shoulder and the trunk will be parallel to the floor from the shoulders to the pelvis.
7.Stretch the neck and throw the head behind as far as possible.
8.Remain in the posture for a minute with normal breathing.
9.Breathe out and bend the elbows and knees and lower the body to sit on the floor and relax.
Benefits :
Purvottanasana strengthens the writs and the ankles. It provides full expansion to the chest and facilitates in better movement of the shoulder joints. It relieves the fatigue caused by other strenous forward bending asanas.
Before practice, please consult your doctor in case you are suffering from ailments. It is recommended to practice under the guidance of experts.
" It provides full expansion to the chest and facilitates in better movement of the shoulder joints.. "
With Love,
Ganesh Baba
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