Tuesday, March 16, 2010

>>> I Am There >>>

I Am There
-Author Unknown -

You cannot see Me,
yet I am the Light you see by.

You cannot hear Me,
yet I speak through your voice.

You cannot feel Me,
yet I am the power at work in your hands.

I am at work
though you do not understand My ways.

I am at work
though you do not recognize My works.

I am not strange visions,
I am not mysteries...
only in absolute stillness beyond self
can you know Me as I am
and then but as a feeling and a faith.

Yet, I am there.   Yet I hear.
Yet I answer.
When you need  Me, I am there.

Even if you deny Me, I am there.
Even when you feel most alone, I am there.
Even in your fears, I am there.
Even in your pain, I am there.

I am there when you pray
and when you do not pray.

I am in you
you are in Me.

I am the law
on which the movement of the stars
and the growth of living cells are founded.

I am the love
that is law's fulfilling.

I am assurance.

I am peace.

I am openness.

I am the law
that you live by.

I am the love
that you cling to.

I am your assurance.

I am your peace.

I am one with you.

Beloved , I am there.

With Love,
Ganesh Baba

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